Dog and Angelfish Sharks – Squaliformes

Shark Database | Dog and Angelfish Sharks – Squaliformes

Squaliformes are a large and diverse order of sharks characterized by having two dorsal fins, no anal fin, and no nictitating membrane. They’re found all over the world. Some popular species are the @greenland shark, the @gulper shark, and the @viper dogfish.

All Sharks In This Order:

Japanese Roughshark

Family: Oxynotidae | Genus: Oxynotus | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Data Deficient

The Japanese roughshark is a shark species found around Japan at depths of 150 to 300 m. Like all rough sharks, they have a compressed body that gives them a triangular cross-section. They feed on small fish and invertebrates. They… read more.

Japanese Shortnose Spurdog

Family: Squalidae | Genus: Squalus | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Data Deficient

The Japanase shortnose spurdog is a rare species of dogfish found in the Western Pacific, from Japan to Vietnam. They have been recorded at depths of up to 130 m. Only a few specimens have been studied. The longest one… read more.

Japanese Spurdog

Family: Squalidae | Genus: Squalus | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Data Deficient

The Japanese spurdog is a species of dogfish found in the East China Sea around Japan, South Korea, and China. They inhabit continental shelves and upper slopes at depths of between 52m and 400m. Like other dogfish, there is concern… read more.

Japanese Velvet Dogfish

Family: Somniosidae | Genus: Scymnodon | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Data Deficient

The Japanese velvet dogfish is very rare a species of sleeper shark found only in Suruga Bay, Japan, at depths of between 450m and 830m. Like other sleeper sharks, they’re very slow-swimming and passive. Reproduction is ovoviviparous but the average… read more.

Kermadec Spiny Dogfish

Kermadec Spiny Dogfish

Family: Squalidae | Genus: Squalus | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Data Deficient

The Squalus Raoulensis, also known as the Kermadec Spiny Dogfish, is a deepwater shark that belongs to the Squalidae family and is superficially very similar to the Northern Spiny Dogfish but is a member of the S. megalops-cubensis species. Biology:… read more.

Kitefin Shark

Kitefin Shark

Family: Dalatiidae | Genus: Dalatias | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Near Threatened

The Kitefin shark is a species of dogfish shark in the family Dalatiidae and the only species in its genus Dalatias. It is found sporadically around the world, usually close to the sea floor. Biology and Description: The Kitefin shark… read more.

Knife-tooth Dogfish

Family: Somniosidae | Genus: Scymnodon | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Data Deficient

The Scymnodon Ringens, also known as the Knife-tooth shark, is a harmless sleeper shark of the Somniosidae family. A rare species, black in colour, small dorsal fin spines, and short snout. It has a small lanceolate tooth without cusplets in… read more.

Largespine Velvet Dogfish

Largespine Velvet Dogfish

Family: Somniosidae | Genus: Scymnodon | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Data Deficient

The Scymnodon Macracanthus, also known as the Largespine Velvet Dogfish, is a shark of the Somniosidae family found in the southeast Pacific Ocean from the Straits of Magellan and the Southwest Pacific from New Zealand. This species’ habitat is on… read more.

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