Dog and Angelfish Sharks – Squaliformes

Shark Database | Dog and Angelfish Sharks – Squaliformes

Squaliformes are a large and diverse order of sharks characterized by having two dorsal fins, no anal fin, and no nictitating membrane. They’re found all over the world. Some popular species are the @greenland shark, the @gulper shark, and the @viper dogfish.

All Sharks In This Order:

Green Lanternshark

Green Lanternshark

Family: Etmopteridae | Genus: Etmopterus | Species: Etmopterus virens | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Least Concern

Green Lanternsharks are small sharks that are endemic to the Western Central Atlantic in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. They are common at depths of 196 to 915 m. Biology and Behaviour: Green Lanternsharks frequent the sea… read more.

Green-eye Spurdog

Family: Squalidae | Genus: Squalus | Species: Squalus chloroculus | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Near Threatened

The Greeneye Spurdog is a deepwater shark that was recently described in 2007. They can be found off the coasts of New Zealand and Australia at depths between 213 to 1360 m. Biology and Behaviour Green-eye spurdogs are small sized… read more.

Greenland Shark

Greenland Shark

Family: Somniosidae | Genus: Somniosus | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Near Threatened

The Greenland Shark, sometimes known as the Gurry Shark or the Large Sleeper Shark (due to its sluggish nature), is native to the Arctic and North Atlantic. The Greenlandic Inuit call them Eqalussuaq in their language, Kalaallisut, and they have… read more.

Gulper Shark

Gulper Shark

Family: Centrophoridae | Genus: Centrophorus | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Critically Endangered

Centrophorus granulosus – Gulper Shark The Gulper Shark is a deepwater dogfish which can be found all over the world. They live between 100m and 1490m below the surface of the ocean. Like other species of Gulper Shark, they have… read more.

Hawailian Lanternshark

Family: Etmopteridae | Genus: Etmopterus | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Least Concern

The Hawaiian lanternshark is a species of lantern shark found exclusively around the Hawaiian Islands at depths of 280 to 1610 m. Like all members of the lantern shark family they’re small, with a maximum length of 45 cm, they… read more.

High-Fin Dogfish

Family: Etmopteridae | Genus: Centroscyllium | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Data Deficient

The High-fin Dogfish is a little-known deepwater shark found 800-1000 metres deep in the northwest Pacific Ocean, off the Emperor Seamount Chain east of Japan and the Kuril Islands. Only 21 specimens have been collected of the High-fin Dogshark, so… read more.

Hooktooth Dogfish

Family: Etmopteridae | Genus: Aculeola | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Data Deficient

Also known as the Hooktooth Dogfish, this shark species is in the Etmopteridae family (lantern sharks). They have small hook-like teeth in both jaws and very small equal-sized dorsal fin spines. This species is found on the continental shelf and… read more.

Indonesian Shortsnout Spurdog

Family: Squalidae | Genus: Squalus | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Near Threatened

The Indonesian Shortsnout Spurdog is a dogfish member of the family Squalidae, found off Indonesia. Biology and Description: The Indonesian Shortsnout Spurdog has a slender body, a relatively narrow and very short snout, large eyes. Both dorsal fins are small,… read more.

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